Saturday 3 October 2020

what doesn't work.

 We get grain delivered by the tonne.   ANd we have had some delivered. 

So Davey brought it up the hill .

THE tractor cant get very far into the shed , and its a nuisance having the enormous grain sack right in the entrance. So the solution  was to buy some heavy-duty castors and fit them to a pallet. Even if the laden pallet is too heavy  for us to shift we can hopefully push it around with the quadbike or mucktruck. . 

So the carefully constructed pallet , with enough wheels to support 1000 Kg, ready for the load.

 And heres the pallet and load 

The Load 

And then the pallet

The wheels are fine - its the rest of the pallet that was the problem, as it gave way under the weight. 


So 2  problems. 

First problem 

The grain ( 1000Kg) needs to be moved  from te entrance to the shed. We've got a spare sak  so that not the problem. It will need to be transferred using a bucket. 

So , say 3Kg in a bucket. 1250 Kg/3 =   416 bucket-loads . 

And its approx 3 metres from one sack to the other.  so thats a return trip of 6 m. 

So 6m X 416 trips =2496 metres.

So ~2.5km of walking to transfer the contents. 

 And there is another 1000Kg to come .


2nd problem

If I'm going to make a pallet to carry the load , what dimensions of timber do i use ?

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