Sunday 8 November 2020

the splay-legged poult

 One of the poults couldn't stand  after hatching and rapidly demised. Its called straddle leg.

We found the same thing in another one about a week ago , and that too rapidly demised. 

And the same thing has happened  again . Its the one with its leg splayed out. It struggles to stand and gets stuck in corners.  There are a number of causes . One is a vitamin deficiency but we don't think that's it as the poults are on  high-energy chick crumbs.

Being on a slippery surface can aggravate the condition - and these poults have been on newspaper. 

So it needs some remedial treatment and some TLC. 

And then try it in its new home. 

Not as much space to move around and difficult corners to get stuck in . And food and watre readily available. And a rough surface ( corrugated cardboard)  to give its' feet  some purchase when it moves. 


So it gcan get itself upright . So we will see what happens over the naxt day or so .

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