Sunday 31 January 2021

Starting Early

The incubator is out and we have been collecting eggs from the buff sussex hens

The eggs laid at this time of the year  from hens that are actually laying through the winter  means any egg-laying offspring will also have the trait

And any excess hens we can hopefully sell

And any cockerels can in due course be meat 


Next report in 28 days time 

Saturday 23 January 2021

Ovine Intensive Care

 There has been a lot of rain - so there is mud everywhere - and then snow over the last week or so.  

And the young rams have clearly been struggling in the adverse conditions. 

A couple of them have got a skin infection on their noses  - possible trauma in trying to  graze through ice and the mud is a less than hygienic environment . 

So they needed an antibiotic jab, and some feeding up , so they have been brought in for a few days 

Sunday 10 January 2021

Poultish update

 Its been a bit cold  recently and the smallest of the poults hasn't been managing very well with the cold - its been standing hunched up and looking miserable. So some TLC is called for 

We'll see if a few days indoors whilst the snow is lying does it any good - looks like it has improved after just 24 hours.

And the other 2 have been making a mess, as poults do. We put some shelters in with them - well some boxes on their sides and a bit of straw. 

Poults like to roost off the ground - and they have clearly been trying to roost on top of the cardboard box - hence is collapsed-ness.  And there is a bar in the urn - but its only a couple of inches off the ground and they like to be higher than that

So a bit of broom handle, some bits of wood and a couple of bolts and they have a roosting bar . 

I bet the ungrateful  creatures dont use it !



Saturday 2 January 2021

3 poults in the apple trees

 Sounds better than one partridge in (1) pear tree. 

The poults continue to grow. Because of Avian Flu rules they have been confined to one of the smaller  chick runs which now is too small. 

So we need somewhere to put them . Sorting out housing ans appropriate netting  isnt practicable . 

And we have the AppleCrub . 

So I've filled in the open bits with chicken wire . 

And put some food and water in . 


And added the poults