Sunday 10 January 2021

Poultish update

 Its been a bit cold  recently and the smallest of the poults hasn't been managing very well with the cold - its been standing hunched up and looking miserable. So some TLC is called for 

We'll see if a few days indoors whilst the snow is lying does it any good - looks like it has improved after just 24 hours.

And the other 2 have been making a mess, as poults do. We put some shelters in with them - well some boxes on their sides and a bit of straw. 

Poults like to roost off the ground - and they have clearly been trying to roost on top of the cardboard box - hence is collapsed-ness.  And there is a bar in the urn - but its only a couple of inches off the ground and they like to be higher than that

So a bit of broom handle, some bits of wood and a couple of bolts and they have a roosting bar . 

I bet the ungrateful  creatures dont use it !



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