Thursday 18 February 2021

Growing up , moving on .

 We had some surprise arrivals back in November

Since then , they have been growing up. Because of Avian flu they had to be kept apart ( wherever practicable, according to the regulations ) from wild birds, so they hae been in one of the larger chick runs. 

And they have outgrown the chick run . 

 And they are 4 cockerels. So they want to establish a pecking order. And they do that by  displays and pecking at each other. And the run is too small for 4 of them to be doing this . Ideally they would go onto the moor, along with the geese. But geese are aysmptomatic vectors of Avian flu, so they cant go there. 

So they have gone into one of our empty hen houses,  separated from the other of our poultry. They are locked in with food and water for 24 hours or so  as they learn where their new 'home' is. 

And we have done that  and now opened the henhouse to let them out to forage for food. 

But they dont know that. 

They are staying in the hen house 

 So ive removed the food. 

And put trail down the ramp  so hopefully they get the idea. 


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