Friday 23 April 2021




Is the number of leghorn chicks that have  hatched.  So we will grow them on and see how many egg-layers we end up with



Sunday 18 April 2021

Pond repairs

 We had a lof heavy rain through the winter - and a lot of snow melt that increased the volume of water flowing . The pond has suffered a bit 


 Soil washed away from fence posts



Soil washed away

So a bit of rebuilding . Ive not resorted to a dab or 2 of concrete (yet) to try and hold it all together. We'll see how it survives lots of rain  . ( we get a lot of rain in Orkney!) 

Monday 12 April 2021


 We spotted where the turkey is laying eggs, smongtst the rushes 

And now she is sitting  on , we think , 9 

Friday 9 April 2021

The wall and the ducks

 A wall was heightened to discourage the ducks from exploring . 

Over the last few weeks some of them have been getting out and it has taken a while to spot where 

But we think we found the low spot 


So ive added few stones 

Thursday 8 April 2021

Anseridian lie-ing in

 Lat year the geese laid some eggs. Unfortunately they were all got by a stoat, otter, seagull or crow   , in spite of efforts to protect them 

So we are doing better this year. 

The goose has laid an egg.

We have brought it into  one of the shelters, complete with nesting material  

And we have constructed an enclosed run for  the goose and gander 

1. she will lay any more eggs with the existing one, rather than where she built the nest ,out in the open . 

2. We can protect the eggs and any goslings we get from predators 

Monday 5 April 2021

We are on the Telly

 We've had a bit of snow. 

And its a bit cold.

And its enough to make the lunchtime news on the Beeb. 



here you go - a 5 second clip of feeding hay to some of the sheep. 

Sunday 4 April 2021

Allowed out

 Well, that didn't last long.  The chicks managed to (probably) fly out of their pen. 

So we have taken it down. 

Hopefully they are big enough not to be taken by a seagull or something similar on the hunt for food., and active enough to avoid otters and stoats.