Friday 21 May 2021

The unkindest cut of all


Well, too many rams is a bad idea. 

They fight and injure  ( or kill) each other. 

They are aggressive and difficult to handle . 

The solution is easy . 


So the vet came and did the necessary

An after the event. 

What do you do with 18 sheeps' testicles ?

 Lamb fries , anyone  ?

Saturday 15 May 2021

A stray waif

 A surprise in the duck run . 

A duckling !

Certainly not one of ours - we havent sat anything on duck eggs.

It must be a duckling hatched by wild ducks on the moor. And either it got separated from the mother , or it got washed down a small burn, and into the pond. 

What to do with it ? 

We tried it in with the poults , but it just cowered in a corner and got pecked. 




So it went into a box by itself. 

And what then ?

A post on an Orkney wildlife Facebook group found someone who was keen to have a duckling.

Tuesday 11 May 2021

Poultish orthotics

 The turkey eggs hatched - we discovered this by going through the field and seeing the hen off , the nest , a couple of active poults, and a couple of bodies. 





But that must be par for the course - if all eggs hatched, everytime. the world would be overrun with turkeys. 

 And one of the poults had the splay leg problem we had last time .

The  hair-band last time didn't work, so more drastic measures were called for.

So : 

We brought them in  and gave them a rough surface to walk on.( corrugated cardboard)

And duct-tape is the answer to many problems.  Perhaps its the answer to this ?

So the poult can stand ( and at 1 day
old, this one weighed 40 grams) 

And 2 days later

Friday 7 May 2021

Ansederian lie-ing in part 2

 We constructed a run and used one of the shelters to make a goose house to encourage her to lay eggs in a more protected place, after the events of last year


And we think it has been successful. Eggs have been laid - we think we counted 13 a few days ago .  But today -

 and we could count only 10 eggs . 


So some action : 

We've netted the run . Hopefully to stop the hooded crow/raven/whatever , taking any more eggs