Monday 28 April 2014

Good ship sheep-pen

Although not vaccinated yet ( we need to wait to 3 weeks old) and not being fed by the ewe and therefore getting immunity through the milk , they have been getting outside - we reckon the bit of grass that hasnt had any animals on it wont have as many potentially unpleasant bugs lurking as land that has older sheep on it.

So have a mix of sheep hurdles - different sizes and some different styles, so  we have been creative with the sheep hurdles  to make a large enough space to let them run around .

And so we have  a boat-shaped pen into which they go a couple of times a day.

And we took the opportunity to weigh them -  2 weeks ago they were born at 5 kg. Now the weigh 5.5 kg. So that is with them taking 1.5L of made-up milk per day each.

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