Monday 21 April 2014

Limpy the lamb

Over the last 48 hours one of our lambs started off with a limp. It has developed so that she does not put the left front leg on the ground.

On inspection it looks OK. When picked up there is full range of movement at the shoulder and the other  joints of the limb.

And they are both still feeding normally.

 and active, albeit with a bit of limp.

We spoke to the sheep farmer in the valley who suggested a  dose of penicillin - which he happened to have and she got a dose . But on the next morning things were no better and so a trip to the Vet was necessary.

And on close examination, as demonstrated by the vet, she has an effusion ( collection of fluid) in the knee joint and a temperature. So the diagnosis is probably jointill , or similar  infection . The umbilicus , the usual source looks OK though.

We've caught it early and with the correct antibiotics, she should get back to normal.
And so its  change of antibiotics to Norocav . In people this is Augmentin(co-amoxiclav). And if things aren't better in a couple of days we go back.

So people and sheep are different.
- there was no limitation of movement.
- moving the affected limb caused no change in behaviour (ie no response to pain, if sheep feel pain)
-the joint didn't feel warm ( yet) - possibly because its covered in wool!

But the antibiotic choice would appear to be similar.  Hopefully we wont have to go back , but if we do I wonder what happens next. Draw some fluid of the joint and different antibiotics ?

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