Sunday 24 November 2013

To catch a sheep........

We've been given ( not quite, but close enough)  a 4 year old Shetland yow- Orcadian for ewe .
And after a couple of days in the field , we noticed she had a limp.
So the job was to catch aforesaid ewe, inspect feet, treat as necessary and then let go.

So you start with a large field with a solitary sheep in it

and a pen made of sheep hurdles, and you have to get one sheep into the pen.

Wily things, sheep. this one  will dash along the fence if people get too close , except when the way is blocked ( eg by people) and then they will wait until you think they are cornered and then dash *across* the field. Or vice versa. And  then go and and in the furthest corner of the field , wait for you to approach, and then decide to descend . And they will do this a few times . 

But in the end she was out-manoeuvred   and penned.

The easy bit is immobilising them - just turn them on their back

 Feet inspected, cleaned and treated with antibiotic

1 comment:

  1. Interesting story.
    a suggestion would be to feed her grain from a bucket
    or get a border collie
