Sunday 30 March 2014


The problem was highlighted  in this blog post .
And in the meantime I've been pottering on when  its not been too muddy. It has helped that  it is staying light in the evenings.
So after brief goes at it,  over several evening  and a more concerted effort over the weekend, my first attempt at walling is done.
Before putting the coping stones on ,
-its solid enough to stand  on without things moving and falling off
-I've tried to put through-stones into the backfill at regular intervals 
-I've tried to lean it into the hill a little.
-in retrospect I probably should have removed  more of the  hardcore  from behind the wall


And don't look  too closely at this one !

Thursday 27 March 2014

New Arrivals

Northbound ferries are on tuesday, thursday, saturday and sunday , due in at 2300.

Ferry arriving at 2330

So we went down to  Hatston ferry terminal and waited for the Aberdeen boat to arrive.  But on thursday it was 45 minutes late. And all the cars came off and we waited.  And then they brought  a trailer and delivered it to the livestock checkin area.

So when they opened the trailer there were   some crates .

And after a close insepection of all the crates we decided which ones were ours, took
them home , put them in their accommodation overnight, and next morning they started to explore their new home.
2 ducks

6 cherry valley ducks ( Albert will be happy)
Some Maran hens

the hens are reluctant to come out , so on closer inspection they are sheltering uner the henhouse.

  So a good number of eggs in the future , I think.

Tuesday 25 March 2014

She is , isnt she ?

At the end of last year we had Zena , the Shetland ewe, in a field with Boris, one of Boreray rams.

Zena is of fairly 'mature years' . Boris is just a lad.  He followed her round the field like a love-struck  Benjamin Braddock ( played by Dustin Hoffman) to  Mrs Robinson ( Anne Bancroft)  in The Graduate.

She seemed to spurn his every advance.

But she has been getting wider as the weeks progress.
Here are some pictures




Another month or so ?

Monday 24 March 2014

A different holdup

Slightly different holdup on the way home  today.


William Shearers is a shop on the main street through Kirkwall. A quick  perusal of the website ( eg this page) shows the type of things they stock ( ie lots and lots).

And they also  have seasonal goods. Liz Lovick has a blog post of Christmas at Shearers and some pictures of the Christmas stock they have ( ie lots and lots).

But at this time of the year they have seed potatoes, and as you might expect , they have lots and lots.

And ample stocks of each variety.

So we came away with Red Duke of York, Charlotte and International Kidney (which I dont think we have grown before)

Chitting and then planting next

Friday 14 March 2014

Walling - first attempt

We have had a quite a lot of rain, and I think it has exacerbated a problem with one of the walls. The wall has slipped down the hill a little - probably worsened by the adjacent tree roots. The wall bows out just where the tree is

  and the hardcore retained by the wall  has slipped , probably all the rain hs washed out some soil and the hardcore has slipped and compacted.

Nothing for it but to repair it. There is some information online and  a drystone waller  lent me a  couple of books  before we came. I'm signed up to  do a course but i don't think this will wait. Its a short length so i can always redo it once I've been on the course ( if necessary).
 First step was to remove some of the hardcore behind the wall to take the weight off , and then start removing the stones

IN removing the stones ive found part of the problem.

Tree roots growing into the wall and pushing the lower stones out.
So they have.
And gradually replacing the wall, putting through-stones in and filling in the hardcore.
One of those "just a matter of........" jobs. At least its getting light in the evenings and the mud is starting to dry out  

Wednesday 12 March 2014

Muddy Ducks

Since the otters got Victoria **(see footnote for explanation about the name), the ducks have been prevented from venturing onto the adjacent moorland, where we think the otters roam.

So they have been restricted to the area we call the lawn. The lawn is a bit muddy at the moment  -well, almost everywhere is a bit muddy.
The  remaining 3 ducks have been restricted to exploring the lawn.

And they have been  very assiduous in exploring . And getting very muddy

** Well, the drake is a Saxony Duck that originate from the Saxony region of Germany so he was named Albert after another famous character in British history from the same area. So if the drake is Albert, the duck has to be Victoria, after Alberts' famous spouse .

Saturday 8 March 2014

smallest, big, biggest

the pullets that we hatched back here are living in the field with one of the cockerels and have started to lay eggs as shown here .
But the other thing is that the (remaining) ducks have also started laying eggs.
So we now have 3 different sizes of eggs.  Anyone want to buy half-a-dozen eggs of widely differing sizes. ?

And then there were three.

Victoria the duck

Victoria the duck ( remains of )

And the otters have been back and  taken Victoria , the duck. The remains were found on the moorland that adjoins the pond. When this land is fenced with sheep-fencing it should be easier,   adding  chicken-wire to the fencing and  hopefully discourage the otters from encroaching on the ducks and pond, and the ducks onto the moorland. In the meantime  some improvised fencing  around the pond

 And some pictures from a few days ago when Victoria was happy on the pond with the others. 

Monday 3 March 2014

Could do better

we hatched some chicks in September 9 of them . The 2 females have been put in a field with one of the males, and they have started laying .
Splendid, about time .
But when you compare it to one of the eggs produced by the regular layer, they may be a problem .

 To compare the sizes, here they both are in an eggbox.

Could do better, I think.

Saturday 1 March 2014

Anne and Andrew

The sorry tale of the ducks  is related here  and then here and then here and finally In Memoriam for our 2 ducks .

A kind benefactor felt sorry for me and offered to pay for any  replacements. We aren't replacing the ducks just yet   -there may be  some fencing to do around the pond, and they may need to be moved, the duck house needs a bit of a sortout.

But we have got some new chickens - Bantams  because they regularly go broody so can sit on clutches of eggs and we can have a more reliable supply of home-hatched chicks.
And so I welcome our new Pekin Bantams, named after the generous benefactor
