Thursday 27 March 2014

New Arrivals

Northbound ferries are on tuesday, thursday, saturday and sunday , due in at 2300.

Ferry arriving at 2330

So we went down to  Hatston ferry terminal and waited for the Aberdeen boat to arrive.  But on thursday it was 45 minutes late. And all the cars came off and we waited.  And then they brought  a trailer and delivered it to the livestock checkin area.

So when they opened the trailer there were   some crates .

And after a close insepection of all the crates we decided which ones were ours, took
them home , put them in their accommodation overnight, and next morning they started to explore their new home.
2 ducks

6 cherry valley ducks ( Albert will be happy)
Some Maran hens

the hens are reluctant to come out , so on closer inspection they are sheltering uner the henhouse.

  So a good number of eggs in the future , I think.

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