Friday 14 March 2014

Walling - first attempt

We have had a quite a lot of rain, and I think it has exacerbated a problem with one of the walls. The wall has slipped down the hill a little - probably worsened by the adjacent tree roots. The wall bows out just where the tree is

  and the hardcore retained by the wall  has slipped , probably all the rain hs washed out some soil and the hardcore has slipped and compacted.

Nothing for it but to repair it. There is some information online and  a drystone waller  lent me a  couple of books  before we came. I'm signed up to  do a course but i don't think this will wait. Its a short length so i can always redo it once I've been on the course ( if necessary).
 First step was to remove some of the hardcore behind the wall to take the weight off , and then start removing the stones

IN removing the stones ive found part of the problem.

Tree roots growing into the wall and pushing the lower stones out.
So they have.
And gradually replacing the wall, putting through-stones in and filling in the hardcore.
One of those "just a matter of........" jobs. At least its getting light in the evenings and the mud is starting to dry out  

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