Sunday 17 August 2014

Homesick Ducks ?

We still want to rehouse the 2 ducks that we bred in June . The last attempt failed due to the homing instinct. 

So we had another go. This time we have created a pen around the pond and some suitable grazing which we think we made escape-proof  around the pond and again put them in it. The didn't escape in the course of the evening ( much to our surprise) , but by mid-morning we hadn't seen them  so ithought I'd better investigate. Perhaps they got out but in the wrong direction and are wandering round Kirkwall on their way back to their original home  and their companion hen and chicks. 
After all a duck has walked 8 miles to get home before . 

So on investigation they are sitting in the duckhouse and are very reluctant to come out. 

So are they homesick and pining for their friends ? 

But with steely resolve , we havent given in yet. They have food, water and suitable space so we will wait. 

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