Thursday 28 August 2014

Homing hen

We've hatched quite a few  chicks this year. they stay with their mother for the first few weeks whilst they grow, learn to scratch and forage and when the chicks start  to be independent   the mother is returned to  the flock  and the chicks are moved to  a field where they can eat, grow and lay eggs. 

But this one  hasn't quite grasped  what's happening. She was moved  back to the flock  she came from , but is clearly missing the chicks. 

She is putting strenuous (unsuccessful) efforts into getting under or through the gate , trying to squeeze through the fencing we have put up with aim of stopping the hens wandering and exploring  and getting stuck. 

and despite our best efforts she has managed to get out either through round or over the gate , across the lawn and back to where she was with the chicks. 

All a bit sad readlly because her babies, the chicks aren't there any more.  they are out exploring the big wide world

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