Saturday 11 April 2015

Keeping off the grass

Finished Product

 As part of the tidying up after  the building work, they put a load of gravel on the drive - it was getting a bit thin in places. And this was fine, except that it spilled over onto the grass. Come the summer  and grass-cutting the gravel and stones will will trash the blades of the mower. And also theis stuff will follow gravity and successive rains will probably wash the gravel downhill  and onto the grass ( again) . So I thought I'd better build a small retaining wall.


 The first step is to dig a bit of a hole and then put some flat, wide and solid stones down to act as the foundations. I dug a hole. And found a cable. I suspect its the telephone line coming  into the house. I found it a while back , where it enters the property


So not sure what will happen if I (gently)  put a big slab over it , the wall was moved 6 inches further away. For a while I've  been making a big pile of stones suitable for walling  and now was the time to go and get them. In digging for the foundations I also found a couple of other large stones  that got dug out , relocated and included in the wall.

and on a bit more
  Ideally Id have liked to have put in another course or 2 but haven't easily got access to the stones. So ive made do with what I had . I can always come back and extend it (upwards or sideways) when supplies of suitable materials improve

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