Monday 6 April 2015

Not the Hay Wain

So we need some hay. Sadly we dont have a cart and horse and a stream , as Constable did.
We've got a trailer. And a car. And a neighbour with hay.
So we need to put all three together.
A trailer

A hay bale
  And with much huffing and grunting and pushing  and the help of the neighbour, we got the bale in the trailer.

A very tight fit.
 So getting the bale in wasn't that easy ( we should have put some cardboard on the trailer floor. Its corrugated, to stop things (ie sheep) sliding about.

And we transported it home.  it took three of us to get it in . ow there were only 2  to get it out.  and it too long to reach in and pull.
So the answer - empty enough hay from the side door.  Get in the trailer. Lie on the floor . And push .

Mission accomplished.

So for next time, some big sheets of cardboard. get the thing on the cardboard , leaving enough to pull vigorously to extract the hay bale.

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