Monday 18 May 2015

Our own caddy lamb

So the Boreray ewe had twins, as reported 3 days ago . They seemed to be a bit slow to feed from the ewe, from our experience of not much at all. But we were letting them get on with it.

At the first check this morning , there was mother and one lamb , but no sign of the other.  A hunt found it , in a shelter, a long way from its mother. So it was taken out of the shelter and across the field to its mother, who showed little interest.

 And it also had the typical behaviour of hypothermia (low temperature), so it was brought inside , wrapped up as we don’t really have any heating lamp for these animals and slowly it warmed up

 So it wasn't wanted by its mother,  and wasn’t old enough to venture out and survive by itself, so we have erected a temporary ( ie a few weeks) home for it.


  And we are back to bottle -feeding it. The lamb weights 2.2 Kg , so that is 140 mls every 4 hours.  As it is a few days old and (we think) has had some colostrum from its mother  the feeding isn’t as intensive as it might otherwise be.
 Of course it may have been rejected by the mother because it is not healthy. She certainly  seems slow to feed and develops hypothermia easily. We will just have to wait and see.

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