Tuesday 19 May 2015


we were told that one of the reasons  ( other than forgetting about it , if its the first of a multiple birth)  fro a ewe rejecting a lamb is that there is something 'not right' with it.

We brought the lamb inside , warmed it up and then attempted to bottle feed it.

- it was taking approx 30 mls when it should have been taking ~100ml each feed.
- there was coughing after each feed.
- it would stand stock still and look hypothermic  when it wasn't.

So in spite of our best efforts the lamb died this afternoon .

things we have learned

* we assume it wasn't feeding much when it was born. So it still looked relatively well after 36 hours of not feeding.
* perhaps it should be tube-fed instread of persevering with a bottle
* there are casualties during lambing.

Its not just us - there is a facebook page by a  farmer  in Orkney describing   their experiences  - An Orkney Lambing

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