Tuesday 26 September 2017

Polycrub part 2 : Mmmmm

Its not those Golden  Arches . The nearest McDonalds is in Elgin, 194 miles away.

I've run out , temporarily, of the ingredients to make concrete , so I've got on with the next bit . They supply recycled hoops from Salmon Farms, which need to  be cut to size and then placed over the trimmed posts.
The hoops as they arrive are about 9 metres long. the finished length will be about 6.5 metres.

Cutting the hoops is easy.
Lifting them isnt quite so easy.
Getting it aligned with , and lifted on to the post is a bit tricky.  If you get it wrong, the hoop  hits you on the head.
Once  aligned, sliding them down one post is easy .
Getting the other end of the hoop is tricky.

They are quite rigid .

So when its on one post , it sticks up in the air.

The suggested way to retrieve it , if single-handed is with a rope and pull it down .

And then hauling it down and pulling it onto the second post is hard work


Things I have learned 

  • Bits of mortar on the post mean the hoops doesn't slide down 
  • Some of the hoops have a bit of a curve to them . its easier to work with the curve 
  • If the hoop hits you on the head, it hurts 

Once its on the post, I suspect there is a lot of sweating and hard work to get the hoop off the post, if necessary . Just as well , as it can be a bit windy in the winter 

A tea break 

Rain stopped play for the day 

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