Thursday 12 October 2017

Polycrub Part3 : purlin'd

So the next bit is to attach the purlins.

Straightforward, really.
Except a bit tricky single-handed.
The 4"x3" timbers are 4.8m long. The bottom ones are easy. Just prop up the far end so that it is reasonably level, attache one end to the hoop, go to the other end, get it straight ( well , as straight as you can if the timber isnt straight)   then fix it . And then screw it into the hoops in between .

The top one is easy  - just get it up there , lay it along the high point of the curve and go up and down a ladder a few times with the newly purchased impact driver in your hand

the ones on the side a tricky. So  put a clove hitch round the pipe and secure the timber in the approximate position and do as before

the final result :

 the next bit is a bit tricky - attaching 7m long  polycarbonate sheeting to the purlins.
This is certainly a 2 man ( at least) job and to be done when its not too windy.

Gale force winds tomorrow, so hopefully  ocer the weekend.

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