Tuesday 4 June 2019

2 down

We put a hen on a dozen eggs  on 19th May .

We chekc daily on the broody hens ( currently 3 of them) to ensure they have enough food and water within easy reach.
And today , there had obviously been a bit of bother of some sort

2 of the eggs are no longer under the hen. Instead they have ended up by the feed, and one has been p***ped on.
And the eggs are cold.

We could try putting them back under the hen, but if she thinks 12 is too many she could push ( a different) pair of eggs out.

So the decision is to use the incubator.
Hopefully not for many days . Of course the eggs may have been left out for too long and the chicks have died.

We will know by the end of the weekend.

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