Sunday 16 June 2019

an untrapped trap

We have had some problems with stoats. And so I made some traps , and we caught a stoat or two.

the traps have been set since then , but have remained empty .

But between 9am , whnwn I was passing and 1pm , whne i was passing again , something has disturbed the trap .

  And it looks as if something tried hard to get in to the bait, pushing aside the wire mesh designed to stop larger animals getting in .

And the trap has gone ,  presumably still attached to whatever set it off.

there is quite a lot of undergrowth - so the trap may reappear in the winter whne the vegetation dies back.

And this means that potential predators  are still around , so I'd better reset the trap.

We did buy a spare Fenn trap  - they are a decent size !

And the safety catch is an important bit of it - it stings  bit if it traps a finger .

And then the tunnel trap is back in action

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