Monday 29 July 2019

The new duck run

And we have realised that duck eggs sell quite well. And our current ducks - there were 8 but one has wandered off somewhere - arent laying anything at the moment. And they are very sweet , but also stupid , as explained here 
So we are going to get some Indian Runners  ( Jemima Puddleduck -like ducks )
But obviously ours wont have the hat or coat.

And we, and the rest of Orkney,  still have a problem with stoats. So the new duck run, just like the existing one  , will have to be stoat-proof.
And we dont want to be lugging watre around for them , so it has to be near a pond/stream.

So i dammed a bit of the stream

aand whacked in a few fence posts we have . Ishould have concreted them in - the ground there is a bit soft and getting the posts  to stay vertical has been tricky and not entirely successful.

And then covered the whole thing in wire mesh

The ducks were getting a  bit big for their old chick run.

so they have been moved to the new run.

 The hen will go back to the rest of the flock in a few days and the ducks will get used to their new home,

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