Sunday 18 August 2019

At the Ness (again)

Harald (the lamb) didnt react well to his last visit to the Ness and need treatment for a gut infection, so we left him behind this time and took Cato ( age5 ) and Ferdinand( Age2)  
As before  they were clearly delighted to be  going 

And once there, we were in the same spot, overlooking  Loch of Stenness,  with the Hills of Hoy in the distance, and the neolithic pottery-firers  in the background.

If anything there were more people at this open day than the last one, and a constant stream of visitors and groups from 11 until 4

  And as this was part of Viking Week  , it included some viking-spinning with a weighted drop spindle

And one of the first visitors  was a film crew from Estonia.  So we we talked about the sheep, and Vikings and they hopefully got some nice clips of Cato and Ferdinand,   So if you are in Estonia - let us know when the clip from the Ness of Brodgar is shown.

And here we were , between the  drystone waller recreating one of the stone strucutures in the Ness archeology,  the Viking tent and games  by Ragnhild Ljoslandand 

So a successful day , and looking forward to next year.

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