Saturday 7 September 2019

The Weigh-in

Some routine FEC-testing of the lambs indicated that there may be a problem with intestinal infestation with worms, so they needed some treatment.
And the  amount they are given depends on their weight - so we need to weoight them before dosing them.
We have a weighing crate so we needed to construct the race to get them lined up to be wieghed

And once weve done that, we need to get some sheep. This lot have been grazing on  one of the more distant fields.  So to bring them down and get thm in the right place we put up some electric fencing, bu without the electricity.  They have (hopefully) learned  not to touch the fence.

And once brought down, they need to be penned to stop them wandering

And once penned , and 'encouraged' to go into the race, they got weighed.

We only needed to dose the lambs, but as all the sheep  were down  , they all got weighed.

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