Saturday 18 January 2020

poycrub in the sun

the sun hits the house from on 20th ,21st or 25th January. The polycrub is a bit further to the North than the house

 And it gets the sun a bit earlier - today in fact

 see - the polycrub casts a shadow.

from the sun above the hill .

And the polycrub contents..

We still have Kale, leeks and carrots pickable. And some brocolli I planted at the end of the summer is coming on.

Monday 13 January 2020

As expected

We moved a bale of hay.

And  as expected

And on closer inspection

Actually 6 eggs  - probably laid over about 10 days.  Still fresh  by supermarket standards 
But as we dont know the dates on which they were laid, we are not going to sell them .

Who knows , we may find somewhere else the hens have been going to lay eggs !


Sunday 12 January 2020

Escape route found

so ive finally caught them at it !

One or two have been getting out of the run whenever we have gone into the shed. When I've  hung around to see if I can catch them at it ,they have stayed put. But not this time !

 so some more netting and see if that stops them !

And with a 60W standard lamp ,n form 10pm  to 8 am, we are getting between 3 and 5 eggs per day. The similar group of hens that are outside aren't laying yet.

Monday 6 January 2020


So we are doing  quite well on the egg front. Between  3 and 7 per day . With a standard lamp on a timer.  It comes on at 10 pm ( so they have roosted for ~6 hours) and then off at 8.30  am ( as it starts to get light

But they are clearly getting bored

and i think they have been  getting out here 

 So tie the netting up a bit tighter and see what happens. 

And 4 eggs today - unless the ones that have got out have laid somewhere else and we will discover some rotting eggs in the summer when all the hay has gone .