Thursday 28 May 2020

Greenhouse - Part 1

We had a (Alton) 8'x6' sectional greenhouse, that was dismantled and brought up.
And the time has come for me to erect it.

The problem here is that it can be a bit windy.

The folklore way to build something like this is to concrete in a post at each corner, and then construct the shed/greenhouse inside the footprint, and then fix the structure to the posts .

it might be difficult with the greenhouse.
The base units are like this
 So there will be a gap of about 2 inches between a post on the outside and the section that needs attaching to it.

And the other issue is that the most sheltered spot we can have  is on a bit of a slope.

So the cunning plan :
  • Get the base units level 
  • Put concreted supporting post at each inside corner and then fix the greenhouse sections  to those posts . 
  • Concrete the base units together and to the hardcore 
  • See what happens after that 

And then get the rest of the base level. 

 And i need some long fencing posts to be delivered and a bit more timber top frame the base .
And that will have to wait until the lockdown is eased and things can be delivered.

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