Friday 8 May 2020


Another of the ewes went into labour this morning - as expected.  We spotted the foot coming out so recognised promptly the breech  presentation, got her coralled and assisted the lamb out.

When born just after  730 am is was clear that things weren't quite right .
The front leg isn't as straight as the other one, and the lamb was on her side - after a couple of minutes they make attempts to stand.

We left mother and lamb - the mother needs to lick the lamb dry and the lamb needs to feed .

But going back an hour so later things clearly weren't right. The lamb was still in the same place

  even with help , it could not stand.  And there were a few other problems as well - the neck was twisted - but could be straightened , and the bottom  jaw wasn't exactly in line with the top , As well as the twisted front leg.

The vet came and reviewed things and the decision was that this was an unsurvivable combination of problems - so sadly the lamb was put to sleep.

We returned the dead lamb to the mother , who sat by it for an hour or so. And then wandered away.  if you don't return the lamb to the mother she spends  several days calling and walking around looking for it . Spending time with the  unreactive lamb prevents this - perhaps the mother realises the lamb isn't going to respond.

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