Wednesday 26 August 2020

Moving a tree



So it was decided that we need to transplant a tree.  Not one of the bigger ones. But this one  - growing out of a wall . 




 And at the same time I could perhaps do something about the walling that was a bit iffy. 


 It hadnt actually all fallen off (yet) , but was probably a matter of time


So the tree : 

 First. take down the bit of the wall that is in the way. 



 see how deep the roots are  going. In this case, not very - in fact going horizontally. ive no idea why all the earth has built up on the wall, but the tree has made use of the fact. 

 Remove tree and transplant somewhere a bit more favourable 



And rebuild the wall. 




And the robin - it was  hanging around whilst all this was going on . 

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