Saturday 8 August 2020

The Applecrub -part 1

 The trees that we brought up  here have never  dproduced any fruit when planted outside - even though we have tried to find sheltered spots 

The trees that went into the polycrub have done really well, producing lots of fruit. 

Last year I built a raised bed in a sheltered spot and we moved some of the fruit trees into it . They have done a little better, but not prodiced any edible fruit. 

So the next plan is to protect them . They dont  make a polycrub that fits on a raised bed 4m x1.5m. Some timber and plastic corrugated sheeting was ordered in April. Because of Covid its just been delivered to Orkney. 

We will still need access to the trees for pruning and picking and weeding and other stuff. 


The trees in the polycrub have behaved a little strangely compated to the Northeast of England - we suspect its not cold enough  for them to be  largely dormant  through the winter. 

So the East-facing side will get  removable panels. And a  corrugated plastic panels and roof will go on.  Initally the plans were to leave the ends  open. But the back is well-sheltered , so  it may be that the edn get sheetd and we leave the back largely open. 

watch this space 


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