Monday 15 July 2013

BT - ducking and diving

So this drags on - the dialogue of the deaf. BT are 'sorry for any inconvenience caused '. Inconvenience is a mild term for the hassle !

So i have exchanged a few emails with them , pending a data subject access request response and a cheque for £10, to see what they think happened and who said what and when.

the latest version from BT is that the phone call on the 28th ( after we had moved in, and intended to be the phone call that activated the BB ) was to 'place the order' . But I've got an email from them , generated on 6th June that thanks me for the order and gives me the connection date of 4th July.

So we will have to take this a line at a time.

I've corrected them about is the date i placed the order - the 6th June and not the 28th . I'll have to forward back to them the email that they sent me if they continue to be a bit confused. I've asked them what information I was given on the 8th June. Thats all . So hopefully no scope for obfuscation.
we shall see

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