Thursday 4 July 2013


We are moving from a 5 bedroom house so we have quite a few possessions. They will need to get a big truck in. Thankfully Newcastle Council have bollards that we could use for a few days, so bollards duly picked up and deployed, we reserved some road space. June is the start of holiday time, particularly for those without children, so a warning notice had gone round the neighbours a couple of weeks beforehand. In spite of that a phone call got a car moved, we marked out our space on tuesday morning and sat and waited.
 5pm is home time so someone had to stand guard in case a tired commuter saw the wide open spaces and decided to use them.

 And the truck ( minus trailer – they thought they might not need it) arrived at 530 pm and got parked.


Colin and Barry set too that evening, so and with a break for a takeaway, shower and sleep , carried on the next day. Its a victorian terrace so rather than traipse everything through the house, the truck came up the back lane and loaded the garage contents from there.

Jesmond may be an urban and cosmopolitan but I suspect its not had a sheep trailer parked up before. Not carry sheep this time, but trees. Orkney is not renowned for its trees , but there are some if you look, particularly in the east facing valley we are moving to, so we thought it worth digging them up from the allotment and relocating to a suitable sheltered spot, if we can find one but as the van was going to take 2 days to get to Orkney we took them ourselves

So that was that – 2 ½ days and our life loaded into a van.

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