Friday 26 July 2013

Now you see it , Now you dont,

We have had an Eglu for many years . We  started with  one of the very early ones  ( I think we had No. 6 off the production line)

and then things changed and we got a bigger one and put it on our own platform

and then we got an Eglu Cube and at one point had 10 hens, rescued  by the British Hen Welfare Trust 

Initially we weren't going to take the Cube to Orkney, thinking it would be too windy, but after talking to some hen keepers on Sanday, which is a bit flatter and probably a bit more exposed than where we are , we have changed  our view and we are going to take the Eglu Cube up North, so its been dismantled and stored and in due course will go in the trailer.

So now you see it

 and now you  don't 

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