Saturday 31 August 2013

transplanting the trees

Much to our surprise, all the trees survived the move.

They were left heeled in for 3 weeks or so and then we started relocating them. The challenge has been to find somewhere sheltered enough.So some went in, in a row between  a wall and a row of established willow.

Photo from the N

In the SE corner of a field
 Other than the strong winds uprooting the trees, for the young trees it would be to avoid wind rock  when the movement can affect the growth of the roots. so they may need staking in the early years until they become established.
And we've been told that another problem is the wind removing the blossom in the Spring before the fruit is set.

protected from the Southwest
We brought 50 trees up and are spreading them around in spots that have a variable degree of protection from the wind . Putting them in was straightforward. They all survived the move, the ones that have been transplanted have all survived that move as well. The remaining few  are still heeled in and will be moved in due course.

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