Tuesday 17 September 2013

The morning after

Don't know what the fuss was about really.

We were bought an anenometer as a present. And testing it  at ground level was OK. Wanting to get a true record of windspeed, I fixed it as high up as I ( easily) could .

After a few a days with a 'mild' Orcadian breeze, i realised it was in the wrong place - its good for westerlies  and perhaps southerly winds but is sheltered by the stack for any other directions. So it will get moved in due course.  Not sure where to, yet. To attach it to the top of stack will mean a bit of fiddling around with the cables and  wiring. 

Anyway the vanes rotate and numbers appear on the screen . The metoffice forecast for this area was for 45 mph winds, the TV weather was quoting 60 mph. The anenometer measured a peak  of 34.1 mph . So its in the right ball-park figure. it may be that either its still a little sheltered  where it is , needs calibrating or that's what we had here. 

There was quite a bit of  rain as well. 
The  pond has filled up a bit
and the ground is waterlogged in places 

the only casualty that we have found so far is the hens' water .

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