Saturday 14 September 2013

un-freeranging ducks

The unoccupied Pond

We've decided to let the ducks loose. They havent got the hang of going into the duckhouse at night, but food is in there, so they go in voluntarily,  and hopefully they will lay eggs there. We don't want to be hunting  up and down the burn looking for where they might have laid.
They have lots of interesting places to explore in and around the pond.
This is the small wood and the burn , taken in the Spring.

pond and burn

but they don't .

They sit on the grass, where they were penned - you can still recognise the area . It didn’t get cut when the pen was there. But the ducks sit there, not exploring the pond, preferring to use the bucket for water, and they   only move any distance when someone approaches .

I think ducks are more stupid than chickens.

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