Thursday 9 July 2015

More Gallussian resuscitation



The hen with the chicks has hatched 10 so far. There were 2 eggs remaining. She has got fed up with sitting and has taken her 10 away and left the 2. But one of them was cheeping, so we decided on more resuscitation.  ON Prising the shell away  it started to cheep, so a bit more time in the home-made  chick-warmer ( I cant really call it an incubator!)
An incubator will keep  eggs at 37-39 degrees . We don't have an incubator, so  its a bowl, floating in a sink of hot water. And we cant control the humidity , so its a slightly damp towel.

Of course the reason it may be the last one out is that it is too weak and will not survive.

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