Thursday 16 July 2015

Unhappy trees

We brought a few (well - 50) different sorts of apple trees with us.  They got planted around the place, hopefully in sheltered spots  as reported


The remaining trees went into the old sandschoool - we reckoned that they would get some protection due to its high banks. But we are wrong.


The sandschool is actually far too damp and the trees are struggling  to survive. A couple  have died, so the most affected ones are being redistributed. If we can sort out the drainage they can go back , perhaps in the polytunnel and  we think they will do well.

So I've moved a couple and the rest will be moved over  the next few days

The proof that where they are is too wet - I dig a hole adjacent to the tree and it fills with water

A few weeds , but clearly trees that are poorly . 

the top half of this one has dies - still a bit of greenery  ( no fruit though) so I'll move it and give it a chance

Ive moved this one to the East-facing bank, replacing some roses.  Well, you cant eat roses , can you  ?

The other will get move and put somewhere drier over the next week or so .

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