Tuesday 21 July 2015

the pond

It has been muddy and it still is muddy in places. Its been cold, wet and miserable , and still is wet and we have had, and still have , quite a bit of mud .

We wonder if the pond not filling/draining properly has something to do with a particularly squelchy bit , so  it tiem to sort it out .
first empty it  - just dig out the retaining wall

 once that was done, there was  quite a lot of silt in the  bottom of the pond.   So it would need taking out

 Someone has clearly been here before . I found this pie buried next to the pond . I've no idea where it goes - it didnt seem to be carrying anything  from wherever it originates.

And I found the place where water runs into the pond from the bank,

And there is a lot of drainage in the channel that clearly exists for the run-off from the pond.

But im not digging too much of that out.
So  once the silt has been dug out, a drainage channel cleared, its time to put a dam back and see what happens.

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