Friday 6 May 2016

Animal woes

We have a hen sitting on some eggs as shown here. The hen is in a broody box , ensuring that she doesn't wander too far and forget what she is there for .

But there are problems - there isn't a lot of room and they sometimes end up standing on the eggs before settling down over them .  And we found a cracked egg.  As the chicks aren't due to hatch for another week  or so  the chances of survival are slim - it went in the incubator
but after a few hours it was clear that the chick hadn't survived .

  And one of the ducks didn't look right. We managed to catch it and have a look.

 I imagine it cant see much out of this eye. But it is still active, going round with the others and  eating anything that is in its way. So for the time being we will leave it with the rest of them

And we've got a guest . A limping pheasant

this pheasant has been hanging around for a few days. It limps, but can still fly away if you get too close to it. So its harmless and we will leave it hanging round .

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