Monday 23 May 2016

Another cade lamb

So at about 2110 , one of the remaining 2 ewes went in to labour. Watching at a distance it all went well , albeit slowly with the second stage about 40 minutes ( usually 10 minutes or so ) .

An attentive mother did what she should and licked the lamb, which tried to stand

 but the lamb would get head-butted away.

So the next step was to corral the  mother and lamb, latch the lamb on ,so it could suck and feed and see of that changed things . So some successful latching and feeding

but given a chance the lamb was butted away.  Sometimes the mother doesnt take to the lamb. This looks like on of those occasions.
So we have our second Caddie, on 4 hourly feeds at the moment. A bit loud and insistent , this one .

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