Saturday 21 May 2016

they lay them here, they lay them........

Ducks are not renowned for their intelligence.  They lay eggs which we can use, eat or sell 
thet get locked in at night so that they will ( hopefully) lay they eggs where we can collect them. We have even given them their own duck houses to lay in .

But it is still a challenge.
they might lay their eggs in the nest in the duckhouse.

egg in duckhouse

or they might lay them in the run , because going 5 feet to the duckhouse is too much for their intelligence
eggs in run

or they might make a nest and lay the eggs wherever they think they will

eggs in nest by the wall

eggs in nest under hedge

 and we are a duck short, Its either wandered off and got lost, an otter has got it , or its sitting on some eggs somewhere and will reappear ( or not)  in a few weeks

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