Sunday 12 May 2019

A pleasant surprise

one of the ewes showed signs of early labour last last night.  By early this  morning  , it seemed thta not a lot was happening, so wew were just  waiting and watching.
And then instead of the usual lear fluid that appears ( 'the waters breaking' ) , it was bloody.  So we wondered about a APH   ( do sheep get ante-artum haemorrhage ? )  so spoke to the vet.
Who came along and sorted out the malpersentation. Normally both legs are supposed to be forward  -  up by the nose , but in this case one was back . So one that was sorted and the lamb delivered, the vet announced there was another one.
And a few minutes later a lamb was delvered , breech  first - ie wrong way round.

even after a bit of swinging and rubbing for stimulation, the second one took a while to get going.
And i managed to get a clip of it getting going .


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