Sunday 5 May 2019

caught in the act

One of the ewes decided to give birth  in the field with a clear view outside a window  - so I managed to capture bits of the labour and delivery.

20.56  After the waters have gone,a  lots of wandering back and forth,  and finding a patch of grass to lie down on 

21.11    Starting to contract  as labour progresses 

21.25   The actual birth bit can be rapid in this breed of sheep - the lambs tend to be small .
Once born, the ewe licks the lamb and it starts to move 

 21.25 The lamb tries to get up and feed 

21.35 And getting up and trying to find the udder to feed. 

And this is the first of twins, but its to dark to  get pictures  - and going in a  this stage with torcjes and lights would just disturb the ewe. 

So the plan is to go out at first light and see what's what

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