Thursday 16 May 2019


one of the ewes epecting twins showed early signs of labour from about 945 pm. As it gets dark about an hour later, there isnt an awful lot we can do . Early labour ( just as in people) can go on  a bit and we thought we'd still be waiting when it got light again ( about 345 am)

We found one healthy, active lamb with   the mother

and the body of the other one  a short distance away

It looks as if it hasnt been licked dry by the ewe, and with the memberanes still around its face , it hadnt tried to breathe.

We think it was a breech delivery ( the wrong way round) . The problem with breeches is that  legs and backsid can coem down wuite rapidly , but the head being much bigger , can get stuck.
And if the umbilical cord comes out and is broken  the lamb is starved of oxygen unless it can breathe - which it can't do  because the head hasn't been born.

So its a stillborn lamb.

But the mother and the surviving one are doing well.

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