Saturday 31 May 2014

Like London Buses

Emma , on eggs

We got some bantam hens back in March , because they tend to go broody readily so if we want to produce more hens then they are ideal .
Not quite so ideal are their eggs   which you can see here , but I suppose you cant have everything in one  hen.

One of the hens went broody a couple of weeks ago sitting on 11 eggs , and if all goes well   they should start to hatch next week.

And i the intervening couple of weeks   2 others have also gone broody.
So one is sitting on some hen eggs and the other is on  5 duck eggs.

And like London Buses arriving , three hens have   all gone broody at the same time.

That means that by the end of june we could have up to   20 additional chicks and some more ducks.

So watch this space !

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