Saturday 10 May 2014

never be surprised the stupidity of sheep .

Is something  that was said to me shortly after we got ours.

We erected some fencing around the henhouses.

It gives the animals something to shelter  behind when the wind gets up in the winter and the hail is falling horizontally.  The idea is that the hens can shelter inside  the fencing , adn we can put water and food down  when there is snow or its too windy for them to venture out.  And the sheep could shelter on the outside - as the fencing is on all 4 sides they should be able to get out of the wind somewhere.

On the while its been reasonably successful and used as intended. Except the sheep go inside the fencing looking for food, and enthousiastically eat grain,  even when there is plenty of grass available.
So I'd stop them , and put a couple of bars across the entrance. It wouldnt be enough to stop the hens ( who could fly over them if necessary) but would stop the sheep.

But it wasn't enough - one got in under the bar , and then found he couldnt get out.

Bars removed, Sheep released. And a Plan B is necessary

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