Friday 2 May 2014

Now you see it ( again)

We've had an Eglu and kept hens when we were 'down South' ( Down South includes
places like Wick , Inverness and even Aberdeen ).
It got brought up here  , and was used for the ducks  used the tied down for the winter. 
The ducks didn't use it that much, preferring to shelter behind the wooden  fencing we had erected.  I think the duck version   of the Eglu has a bigger door .

So with more cockerels coming ( Im relieving a friend of  their excess birds) its time to make a houe for them and so the Eglu has been relocated.

So it has been taken apart, moved to the other side of the Burn and re-erected this time on its wheeled base , to provide a nice  home for our new cockerels

Not sure how long the new cockerels will be in residence though. i can guarantee them a pleasant , free-ranging, but not indefinite time there. 

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