Friday 2 May 2014

moving outside

So after some discussion with the neighbours it has been decided that the lambs are old enough to be outside all the time (Well, I suspect if it got really cold  they might get brought in..........).
So a new, larger pan was constructed in bit of the garden  that is sheltered by a wall from  Easterly winds ( cold, which we have at the moment)  , and by the hill from prevailing westerlies, and as there is a big bush in the middle , northerlies and southerlies should be OK . Yes , in know that Boreray are hardy and  in the wild would be out in all weathers, but nevertheless.............) .

So their new surroundings are bit more spacious than the old ones.

And a bit more space to run around  - the current game seems to be racing each other round the bush,  before grazing on its leaves.
 I thought sheep were supposed to eat grass. And then there is  drinking 1.5 L of milk each per day , and collapsing exhausted in the sun.

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